Nonprofit Law Basics: Who Owns a Nonprofit?
Who owns a nonprofit?
A major misconception about nonprofit organizations is that people can own them. No one person or group of people can own a nonprofit organization. The public “owns” nonprofit organizations. Nonprofits are created to provide a charitable purpose.
Nonprofit Law Basics: Can the Executive Director Serve on the Board of Directors?
Can An Executive Director Serve On the Board of Directors? Conflicts of interest can arise when an executive director (“ED”) also serves on an organization’s board of directors as a voting member, especially if that person is paid.
Nonprofit Q&A: What is a nonprofit conflict of interest? How can a policy help?
A conflict of interest is an actual or perceived interest by an officer, board member/director, or staff member in an action that results in, or has the appearance of resulting in, personal, organizational, or professional gain.