Professional Associations

We Help Professional Associations Grow and Thrive

Our law firm helps 501(c)(6) tax-exempt membership organizations:  trade associations, real estate boards, business leagues, and other business network entities.

Professional Associations

We Help Professional Associations Grow and Thrive

Our law firm helps 501(c)(6) tax-exempt membership organizations:  trade associations, real estate boards, business leagues, and other business network entities.

Membership-based professional associations and business leagues have many legal issues to consider.

We help professional societies, trade groups, chambers of commerce, real estate boards, and business leagues with their day-to-day legal issues, from corporate governance to tax matters.  We help with

  • Start-up of new 501(c)(6) trade associations and business leagues, from state formation to federal tax-exemption
  • Employee and Human Resource matters – hiring/termination, retention, and agreements for staff
  • Governing documents – review and update bylaws, conflict of interest policies
  • Agreements between 501(c)(6) professional association and affiliated 501(c)(3) charity, including office sharing and staff sharing arrangements
  • Manage relationships between affiliated membership group, charity, and/or PAC
  • Draft and manage vendor and convention contracts
  • Board Training
  • Lobbying issues
  • Membership voting on business association decisions
  • Conducting for-profit business activity
  • Liability and risk management
  • Setting up affiliated 501(c)(3) foundations that can support the work of the 501(c)(6) business league
  • Governance matters – members vs. board vs. staff