Ready to Start a New Nonprofit Organization?
All the steps to start a new nonprofit organization. How to set-up a non-profit with IRS 501c3 status (including Form 1023).
How to Start a Business Association with 501(c)(6) Status
Set-up a business association today. Our law firm offer helps business leagues, trade groups, chambers of commerce, and real estate boards with corporate governance and 501(c)(6) tax-exempt issues.
How To Start a School
What are some legal issues you need to consider when starting a private school?
Starting a private school requires a dedicated team of individuals with a focus on providing a quality education. Before taking on this endeavor, you will need to evaluate whether there is a need for another school in your community, understand basic legal issues that will arise, and create a plan.
How to Start a Church
We do all the work to form new churches. We off a quick, straightforward solution to the set up church that is a state non-profit corporation with formal 501(c)(3) status. If you’ve handle the corporate and tax aspects of setting up a new church, here is a summary of the some of the steps you […]
What is the difference between nonprofit and tax-exempt?
There is a big difference between “non profit” and “tax exempt.”
Nonprofit status refers to status under state law.
Tax-exempt status refers to federal income tax exemption under the Internal Revenue Code.
Nonprofit Law Basics: What is the difference between nonprofit articles of incorporation and bylaws?
What is the difference between nonprofit articles of incorporation and bylaws? Articles of Incorporation – Your Founding Document Articles of incorporation legally “create” or “found” your nonprofit corporation. Some states call this document the “articles of formation” or “certificate of formation.” The articles are filed with the State and become a public document. They define […]
Nonprofit Law Basics: What is an Unincorporated Nonprofit Association?
Does My Nonprofit Need to Become Incorporated?
Nonprofit organizations can take several different shapes. While it is common for nonprofits to become incorporated organizations, Texas statutes still allow for them to exist as unincorporated organizations.
How Do I Start a PTO – Parent Teacher Organization?
How do I start a Parent Teacher Organization – PTO?
One way for parents to be support their child’s school is to join their Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). But what if your child’s school doesn’t have one? How are PTOs different from PTAs?